Debt Recovery
We are happy to deal with all types of Debt Recovery
Lewis Mitchell offers its clients a debt recovery service with a proven record of success. Driven by experienced legal specialists and supported by a dedicated administrative team, it is geared to deliver the results you need with the minimum of fuss or delay.
Late and unpaid debts are the bane of many businesses – problems that can be seriously damaging to cashflow and a considerable drain on staff time. For this reason, being able to rely upon a fast, efficient and cost effective debt recovery service can be invaluable.
How we can help with Debt Recovery
No Upfront Legal Fees
Winding-up-petitions (No Win No Fee)
No Win – No Fee
The Debt Recovery Process
Before commencing any action to recover an outstanding debt, our solicitors will advise you to address a number of simple but important questions. These are designed to ensure that the process of chasing and collecting the debt will be worthwhile.
For example: is your customer still solvent? If not – if the client in question has no money – then whether you win the case or not, you are unlikely to recover the full value of the debt and you may wish to adjust your plans accordingly.
Assuming you do wish to proceed, then our commercial law specialists will scrutinise the terms of your contract with the customer to verify that legal action is warranted and that the case can be won and the recovery process can then begin on a No Win No Fee basis which means you really have nothing to lose.
From this point onwards, we are normally able to handle every aspect of the debt recovery operation on your behalf, on a No Win No Fee basis which means you really have nothing to lose, freeing up time for both you and your team.
We endeavour to make the process simple, swift and free from stress, and will normally secure your customer’s payment through an out-of-court settlement. However, where necessary, we can and will represent your interests in court.
If you are contending with late or unpaid debts, then please contact our debt recovery specialists Asaf Niaz or Nicholas Lusty today on 01200 428102

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